Could the Memorial Cup come to Hamilton? Why is January a good time to buy a house, And can you trust scientific studies

Published: Jan. 26, 2017, 3:02 a.m.

b"The Hamilton Bulldogs made their pitch to host the 2018 Memorial Cup today. They're up against Regina and Oshawa to host the 100th edition of the cup.\\n\\nGuest - Michael Andlauer\\n\\nApparently if you're looking for a deal the best time to find one is in January. What's the reason for that?\\n\\nGuest - Rob Golfi\\n\\nScientific studies are more and more prevelant these days, which makes sense because of the advance of technology. But it's also due to numerous scientific journals popping up that may be less than legitimate.\\n\\nGuest - Tim Caulfield"