Canadians private financial records being collected, Rapidly increasing immigration, & Rick Zamperin talks Ticats

Published: Nov. 2, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

b'500,000 Canadians private financial records are going to be collected by Stats Canada to be studied. \\xa0is requesting personal banking information of 500,00 Canadians without their knowledge.\\n\\nAllen Mendelhson,\\xa0\\n\\n-\\n\\nWith the growing elderly population, Canada is heading toward a unique and potentially unsettling economic change. Some are saying that the solution is to increase Canada\\u2019s population through immigration. Marvin Ryder explains why.\\n\\nGuest: Marvin Ryder, from the DeGroote School of Business\\n\\n-\\n\\nScott presents three of the strangest news items that sound like they were taken straight from detective stories. Which will be crowned Story of the Week?\\n\\n-\\n\\nRick Zamperin and Scott discuss this Saturday\\u2019s Ticats game. Aas well, they remember Don Edwards, president of the Ontario Football Alliance, who lo yesterday along with \\xa0his son Spencer in a tragic car accident.\\n\\nCatch more from Rick after the Ticats game on The 5th Quarter. And catch up on the season, subscribe to The 5th Quarter on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your favourite shows.\\xa0\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin, Sports/News Director for 900 CHML, host of The 5th Quarter'