Can we simplify recycling? Why does the government always grow and never shrink? What was it like on Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope?

Published: Sept. 3, 2020, 2:30 a.m.

b"A survey of Hamiltonians on our recycling practices had some interesting findings. Is recycling really that confusing and why does some recyclable material still end up in landfills?\\n\\nGuest: Angela Storey, Director of Recycling and Waste Disposal, City of Hamilton\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe government seems to grow and grow and grow but have we ever seen it shrink? No matter what party is in power, the government seems to keep growing. Why is that?\\n\\nGuest: John Robson, Columnist, National Post\\n\\n-\\n\\nThis week is the 40th anniversary of Terry Fox's original Marathon of Hope. What was it like being on the very first Marathon of Hope that saw Terry Fox attempt to run from one side of Canada to the other? Was there another side to Terry that the public rarely saw? What's it like looking back on his story? Scott is joined by someone who was not only with Terry Fox, but helped make his Marathon of Hope what we have come to know it as.\\n\\nGuest: Bill Vigars, Canadian Cancer Society\\u2019s Ontario Division Director of Fundraising and Public Relations during Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope & friend of Terry Fox"