Can taxpayers afford giving a 35% raise over 3 years to education workers? Our mental health's relationship with music & What's the big issue this municipal election will tackle?

Published: Aug. 24, 2022, 1:47 a.m.

b"Is a 35% raise something that the government can afford to give to education workers over the next 3 years? While a strike voting is set to take place, will either side back down?\\nGuest: Jay Goldberg, Ontario Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation\\n-\\nA British study found that 85.7% of respondents feel that music is vital to maintaining their mental health. Should this be surprising to us or has the ability to bring music with us allowed it to become a much more integral part of us?\\nGuest: Eric Alper Publicist and Music Commentator \\n-\\nWhat is this municipal election going to be about? There doesn't seem to be any one central issue that's in question - or is there?\\nGuest: Larry Di Ianni, Host & Community Producer, Cable 14 & Former Hamilton Mayor"