Can Hamilton's bid secure the 2030 Commonwealth Games? Will 2021 make for a good vintage or bad wine? & Sports Talk with Don Robertson

Published: Sept. 28, 2021, 1:28 a.m.

b"Some new information regarding Hamilton's bid to host the 2030 Commonwealth Games is being revealed but will it be enough to secure the win? What are the proposed ideas and how would they work?\\n\\nGuest: Robert Livingstone, Producer & Senior Journalist,\\n\\n-\\n\\nWe can say, without a doubt, this year had some interesting weather. The rain, heat, sunshine and more all impacts how grapes grow and when you're in world renown wine country, that means this year's vintage could be amazing or garbage. Will we have to wait and see what kind of wine the grapes grown this year will create or can it be determined ahead of time?\\n\\nGuest: Britt Dixon, Winery Media/PR consultant\\n\\n-\\n\\nThe NHL wants to crackdown on cross-checking but why haven't they been calling it every time it happens to begin with? Why stop at cross-checking? Also, would the Tampa Bay Rays flourish or flounder if they split their home games between Montreal & St. Petersburg?\\n\\nGuest: Don Robertson, Head Coach & Owner, Dundas Real McCoys & Broker of Record, ComChoice Realty"