By how much will Hamiltonians' taxes increase? & Professional hockey fighting is here

Published: Dec. 8, 2022, 3:30 a.m.

b"Decisions are being made at City Hall regarding how much your taxes are going to be going up (or if they will at all). How is this process coming along and how much of a hit can Hamiltonians expect this year?\\nGuest: John Paul Danko, City Councilor for Ward 8\\n-\\nFighting has fallen by the wayside in the modern game of hockey. While this may please many, there are still those who love a good hockey fight and miss the days of enforcers and goons. Those who can't get enough of hockey fights will be delighted to hear about Ice Wars. a new fighting league that's based around hockey fights and hockey fights alone.\\nGuest: Bryan Pedersen, Wyoming MMA Commissioner"