Ben's Story of the Day - Powder on the Plane, Drinking More is Helpful? & The Lottery Winner Who Also Lost

Published: May 18, 2021, 3:15 a.m.

b"Today's edition of Ben's Story of the Day features:\\n\\n1) There are many things that don't belong on a plane. An example of this is a mask-less, shoe-less passenger who's acting aggressive and making stabbing motions to everyone while spewing racial & misogynistic slurs just after snorting some white powder. I wonder what that powder could have been...\\n\\n2) It's no secret that the service and hospitality industry has been truly wrecked by the COVID-19 pandemic but there might be a solution being proposed in the Britain. Everyone has a job to do and that job is simple, every adult must drink around 124 pints of beer in order to save the pub industry. For the first time ever, you can be drunk and doing your part at the same time!\\n\\n3) Winning the lottery is an astronomically unlikely thing to do which makes it that much more special for those who win. Of those who have drawn the winning ticket, how many do you think have washed a pair of pants that holds that very same ticket? The stars must have aligned because we found someone who did just that!\\n\\nWhich one will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?"