Ben's Story of the Day: Pay the fine or do the pushups, hackers hack hackers with hacking website & the British wannabe alien

Published: Jan. 27, 2021, 4:03 a.m.

b"Today's edition Ben's Story of the Day features another 3 bizarre stories from around the world. Which story will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day?\\n\\n1) A major tourist destination is now saying that if you get caught not wearing a mask you have two options: Pay the fine or do 50 pushups.\\n\\n2) North Korean hackers have reached out to hackers around the world to lure them to their website about hacking with the intentions of hacking the hackers. That's right, hackers made a hacking website so those hackers can hack hackers.\\n\\n3) A man in Britain has made it his life-long goal of looking like an all-black alien. Complete with tattoos, piercings, implants and more, he's realizing that removing parts of his body might be a step too far..."