Ben's Story of the Day - Cup Noodle's Ramen Soda Celebration, The Maderna Incident & The Three Boris Vishnevskys of St. Petersburg

Published: Sept. 15, 2021, 3:21 a.m.

b'Today\'s edition of Ben\'s Story of the Day features:\\n\\n1) Cup Noodle, a ramen noodle company, is celebrating their 50th anniversary by creating a line of ramen noodle flavoured soda pops. This lineup will consist of their basic Cup Noodle soda, a seafood-accented cream soda, a curry-accented cola and a chili-tomato soda. Thirsty yet?\\n\\n2) Trying to fake documents when traveling is not an easy thing to do and that\'s by design. If you ask anyone who knows anything about documents, legal or not, one of the first things they\'ll tell you is that you must spell everything correctly. Looks like this lady vaccinated with the "Maderna" shot must have missed that memo.\\n\\n3) Boris Vishnevsky is running for municipal office in St. Petersburg, Russia and is facing a tactic used by his opponents to confuse voters so they might vote for a fake candidate. That\'s why the beard-sporting, balding & greying Boris Vishnevsky is running against two other candidates, Boris Vishnevsky who\'s balding, greying & has beard and the bearded Boris Vishnevsky who happens to also be greying & balding.\\n\\nWhich one will be crowned Ben\'s Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?'