Are you saving enough for retirement? Will the Canadian Men's Soccer Team succeed like the Women's Team did? Are Trudeau's answers satisfactory? Why do we eat junk food first?

Published: Jan. 11, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

b"We keep hearing about how millenials are struggling to set up their lives but what we haven't been told is that Generation X is struggling to save money for retirement. Studies are showing that people simply aren't saving enough money, are you?\\n\\nGuest: Andy Lyster, Executive Financial Consultant with Investors Group Financial Services-The Canadian National Women's Soccer Team is currently ranked 5th in the world and has improved more than anyone could have expected. A major reason for this is because of their head coach who pulled them up and built them into a world class team. Can he do the same for the Men's National Team?\\n\\nGuest: John McGrane, Retired Hall of Fame soccer player-After Justin Trudeau came through Hamilton and visited McMaster University where he answered some questions that were, as expected, soft. He was, however, asked a few questions that truly are hard hitting. Were Trudeau's answers satisfactory?-No matter how healthy the food you buy is, when you get home, you'll notice that the first food you reach for is probably not the healthiest, why is this? What about when the label says that it's high in calories but the food itself isn't, will your mind cause your body to respond differently?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Rachel Herz, Neuroscientist"