Are we going to get answers about JFK's assassination? Cities' attempts to woo Amazon and why is it so hard to host a boxing card in Hamilton?

Published: Oct. 25, 2017, 2:01 a.m.

b"238 cities are putting in a bid to have the new Amazon HQ built in their cities. That's a lot of competition for Hamilton to go up against but the most interesting thing about this bidding war is that so many of these cities are willing to do some rather unusual things to win Amazon over. What do you think is the weirdest thing a city is willing to do for a company?-Could this finally be the end of the JFK assassination? Within the next few days, the papers about JFK's assassination will be released but the question is, will these documents tell us anything that we don't already know? It's possible that we may be getting more fuel for conspiracy theorists but we could also debunk some conspiracy theories. Could this finally be the end of the JFK assassination?\\n\\nGuest: Randy Owen, JFK Assassination Researcher-Boxing has been around for a very long time but in Hamilton, it's a really big challenge to organize a professional boxing card. The huge amount of money it takes to pay everyone involved is just one of the many problems an organizer faces. Another issue is how do you put on a fight that can be done safely? These challenges haven't turned the people at Three Lions Promotions away from organizing a professional boxing card this Saturday at the Hamilton Convention Centre, are you going to go?\\n\\nGuest: Dan Otter, Sports Promoter at Three Lions Promotion"