Are we being fair to the Governor General? Has football become too soft? Do you know who to vote for in the municipal election?

Published: Sept. 26, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

b'The Governor General is not someone who is often brought up in day-to-day conversation. But recently multiple newspapers have been scrutinizing her performance as the Queen\\u2019s representative, questioning whether she is capable of holding this position. But is this all much ado about nothing, and are we being unfair to Julie Payette?\\n\\nGuest: Nathan Tidridge, award-winning teacher at Waterdown District High School, Recipient of the Queen\\u2019s Golden Jubilee Medal and Diamond Jubilee Medal, expert on the monarchy\\n\\n-\\n\\nScott presents three unusual stories from around the world, and asks you to decide which is the best Story of the Week!\\n\\n-\\n\\nOver the past few years we have learned more about the physical and mental risks faced by professional football players. Many have called for changes to the game that will ensure greater protection from the development of life-altering health issues. But recently players like Clay Matthews have been flagged despite having executed what appeared to be perfectly acceptable tackles. Is this a negative trend for the sport, or is it what should be happening? And what do these changes mean for the future of football?\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin, News and Sports Director for 900 CHML, and host of The 5th Quarter\\n\\nTo hear more from Rick, subscribe to The 5th Quarter podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you like find podcasts.\\n\\n-\\n\\nDo you know who you will be voting for in the upcoming municipal elections? And how many candidates have you seen making an effort to engage with the voters? Scott asks callers for their insight on the upcoming municipal elections.'