Are Ontario politicians focused on the right issues? Is the Royal Family moving with the times? Ben's Story of the Day and will the Hamilton Bulldogs hoist the Memorial Cup?

Published: May 18, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

b"Whenever elections roll around, politicians love saying that they'll cut taxes and spend more on the people. That can only run for so long before you end up billions of dollars in debt like we are right now. Now our politicians need to do something but what is it? Are our politicians focused on the most urgent issues, or the the most emotionally charge ones?\\n\\nGuest: Bill Kelly, Host of the Bill Kelly Show on Global News Radio 900 CHML-The upcoming royal wedding isn't going to be following tradition quite like weddings from the past. What will these changes be and should the Royal Family be moving with the times?\\n\\nGuest: Robert Oldham, past president of the Hamilton Branch of the Monarch's League of Canada-Ben's Story of the Day is coming to you today with some more confusing people's stories and unusual situations. Misspelled tattoos, flying bouncy castles and screaming German parrots are all on the menu today plus a Canadian story that Scott will skip over... sort of...-The Hamilton Bulldogs have conquered Ontario and are getting ready to take on the rest of Canada's top junior teams. The ultimate winner will be awarded the Memorial Cup. The Bulldogs have played strong, will this trend continue out in Regina?\\n\\nGuest: Teri Pecoskie, Hamilton Bulldogs Reporter for The Hamilton Spectator"