Are Canadians more anxious than ever? Why is a new chemical being added to Hamilton's drinking water? & How can unfairly lopsided games be avoided in children's hockey?

Published: Oct. 31, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

b"According to a new poll, nearly half of Canadians say they suffer from anxiety. Has something changed or has the discussion of mental illness just become more open?Guest: Dr. Catherine Mancini, associate professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neuroscience, McMaster University, and psychiatrist at the Anxiety Treatment and Research Clinic at St. Joseph's Health Care-A new chemical is being added to Hamilton's drinking water that will protect the water from corrosion from the lead pipes that are still part of the city's water distribution system. How does it work? And how does the water get from Lake Ontario to our taps in the first place?Guest: Andrew Grice, Director of Water, City of Hamilton-Who would have thought a hockey game between 8-year-olds would be controversial? Believe it or not, controversy broke out after a rep hockey game between a Kitchener team and a Cambridge team ended in an extremely unbalanced score of 41-0.Should the coaches have stepped in or made different choices to avoid this humiliating outcome for the losing team? What about the hockey association? Scott offers his opinion and asks callers to weigh in."