Regina Cates - Lead With Your Heart on Scott Cluthe's P I Radio

Published: April 30, 2014, midnight

b"Join Scott Cluthe's Newsletter HERE\\xa0\\n\\nJoin Scott Cluthe on FACEBOOK HERE\\n\\nScott Cluthe with Regina Cates Live tonight as they discuss how to Lead With Your Heart. Also the\\xa0title of her new book !\\xa0\\n\\nThe job Regina speaks of\\u2014helping people awaken to lives of limitless possibility\\u2014began in 2004 after a long, painful journey to unshackle her\\xa0own\\xa0life. The company she co-founded, Romancing Your Soul, is the source of inspiration for hundreds of thousands of people all over the globe. Now with her first book,\\xa0Lead with Your Heart,being published in Spring 2014, she intends to lead an even greater audience toward the higher wisdom of their heart.\\n\\nUsing the language of shared experiences, Regina communicates universal truths in a down-to-earth manner everyone can understand. Her spot-on description of the human condition inspires people to take responsibility for their actions, words, and thoughts, creating beneficial change in their lives. Doing so is Regina\\u2018s passion, and it comes through loud and clear. In 2004 she left the traditional work world so she could spend her days teaching people to lead with their hearts. This witty, provocative, non-judgmental lover of life, who cares more about people than price tags, is not above scooping up dog poop from her neighbors\\u2019 lawns or litter from the curbs."