John Bradshaw Live-Post Romantic Stress Disorder with Scott Cluthe

Published: May 13, 2015, midnight

b'Join Scott Cluthe on FACEBOOK\\xa0\\n\\nFREE NEWSLETTER HERE\\n\\nScott Cluthe talks with John Bradshaw on his new book and work and takes your\\xa0calls.\\xa0\\n\\nLive Tuesday @ 8 EST-7 CST-6 MST-5 PST Call in: 347-308-8478\\n\\nPOST ROMANTIC STRESS DISORDER: Why The Honeymoon Must End and What You Can Do About It by John Bradshaw\\n\\nSelected by his fellow mental health professionals as \\u2018\\u201dOne of the 100 Most Influential Writers on Emotional Health in the Twentieth Century,\\u201d John Bradshaw explains why the honeymoon must end and what you can do about it. \\u201cBeing in love is not love,\\u201d explains John Bradshaw.\\n\\n\\xa0IN POST ROMANTIC STRESS DISORDER relationship and personal growth expert John Bradshaw, offers positive, concrete and creative ways for finding more meaningful love, intimacy, friendship and fulfillment in our relationships. John Bradshaw offers you a realistic understanding of why many self-help books and a large amount of marital therapy have neither stemmed the rising divorce rate nor brought a solution to the terror of aloneness that keeps many couples bound in boring and non-fulfilling relationships.\\n\\n\\xa0Much new research including findings in anthropology, evolutionary psychology, and neuroscience has necessitated that we look at marriage and long-term relationships in a new way, adopting expectations that are more realistic about our relationships. One conclusion of several recent studies suggests that one or more of the major issues in most marriages will seldom be fully resolved.'