Dr Carl Helvie-You Can beat Lung Cancer on PI Radio

Published: March 27, 2013, midnight

b'Join Scott Cluthe on Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/jscmedia\\nScott Cluthe interviews Dr. Carl O. Helvie live Tuesday on his recently released book, You Can Beat Lung Cancer.\\nDr Carl O. Helvie is a registered nurse with a masters in public health nursing focusing on wellness (U of California), a second masters degree in public health and wellness (Johns Hopkins U), a doctorate in public health and wellness (Johns Hopkins U), and post doctoral study in the Divinity school at Duke University.\\n\\n He has 60 years experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author, and researcher and during that time has helped thousands of patients improve their health and taught around 4,000 graduate and undergraduate nursing students. He retired from academia in 2000 and in 2002, taught at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt, Germany and served as a nursing consultant to Russia.\\n\\n He has published 7 books (the latest being Healthy Holistic Aging: A Blueprint for Success), and 4 additional book chapters in the U.S.A and Germany, over 55 articles, and presented over 55 research papers around the United States and Europe, and received grants up to $800,000.\\n\\n In 1999 he was awarded the Distinguished Career in Public Health Award by the American Public Health Association.\\n\\n He has lectured and given community, national and international presentations since 1961 to such groups as the Optimist club; \\xa0American Business Women; \\xa0The American Public Health Assn; \\xa0Sigma Theta Tau International, \\xa0The International Family Nursing Conference, and the Virginia Library Association.\\n\\n Dr Helvie\\u2019s latest book, You Can Beat Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions will be published on November 30, 2012.'