Awesome Adventures at the Smithsonian !-Emily Korrell with Scott Cluthe

Published: March 28, 2014, midnight

b"The Smithsonian Institution is filled with thousands of fascinating objects and hundreds of exhibits that appeal to the whole family. With so many options, it's hard to know what to do first! This guidebook helps kids find exactly what they'd like to see.\\n\\nJoin Scott Cluthe's Newsletter HERE\\xa0\\n\\nScott Cluthe remembers what a big impact visiting the\\xa0Ben Frankin Institute in Philadelphia had upon him. And all museums for that matter. With eduction in the\\xa0Sciences seeming to be falling off the cliff, here's a place and activity that can light ayoung persons' mind & soul. Emily Korrell, who is a Smithsoniam kids guide and author, talks about the\\xa0new Awesome Adventures at the\\xa0Smithsonian book just released that is fun, interactive and educational. 3 of the\\xa0new golden rules to reach young minds!\\xa0\\n\\nAwesome Adventures at the Smithsonian: The Official Kids Guide to the Smithsonian Institution\\xa0is an interactive guidebook just for kids with material that can be enjoyed at home and in the museums. It covers the three most visited Smithsonian museums: the National Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of Natural History, and the National Museum of American History.Awesome Adventures at the Smithsonian\\xa0is the perfect book to help kids get excited about and get the most out of their visit to the Smithsonian.\\xa0\\n\\nAwesome Adventures at the Smithsonian\\xa0was developed by Emily B. Korrell, an elementary and middle school teacher, along with museum educators and curators to stimulate and encourage deep involvement by all types of learners. It is recommended for ages 8\\u201312 and can be used at earlier ages with an adult."