SFB#016 Hey Humanoids

Published: Nov. 15, 2020, 4:12 p.m.


Realism and Star Wars. Finally a space ship interior (the Tantive IV Runner) \\xa0and its run by droids! Awwwe no, at the end of 10sec there are the pasty humans, the resistance, clearly under equipped. Devo! Water drinking seconds by Moxie. Tranquility. Michigan Mitten. Smitten. Deep in the mitten. Oh, Switch off! Roseanne Barr. Leia. Laya. Chewy can kiss good. Princess tomato. This is a Captain Zafu from Zabuton Docuthing.

The world does not know that we must must all come to an end here; but those who know it, their quarrels cease at once. Dhammapada Ch.1 Paragraph 6 (this is from the Dover translation entitled Wisdom of the Buddha. Its a neutered non-numbered sort of paragraph based, very western and generally way off base, transmutation of the Dhammapada by Max Mueller).
