And Now, the Weather: Mars-like, With a Chance of Apocalypse

Published: Jan. 29, 2019, 4:32 p.m.

b'Depending on who you are and what you\\u2019re into, Earth isn\\u2019t particularly habitable. OK, sure, if you\\u2019re some kind of polyextremophile microorganism, the world is your oyster. Even oysters are your oyster. You can manage temperatures down to -10 degrees and up to 250 degrees, high salt levels, no light, and a local pH\\u2014a measurement of acidity\\u2014of zero. That is sour. But then, if you\\u2019re a polyextremophile microorganism, you\\u2019re probably not a reader. No offense.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'