#89: Why guest podcasting is your best visibility strategy in 2020 with Brigitte Lyons

Published: Sept. 15, 2020, midnight

I was really looking forward to attending a bunch of conferences to grow my business this year, but of course that had to change. However, I have been doing a lot more of the next best thing: guesting on other people’s podcasts. I think going on other people’s podcasts is a winning strategy for seriously boosting your visibility this year and beyond.

To talk all about the power of podcast pitching this week we’re joined by Brigitte Lyons, the founder of Podcast Ally. Podcast Ally helps CEOs, authors and thought leaders grow their audiences and get leads by booking podcast interviews on top-rated shows.

In this episode we dig into why becoming a podcast pitching agency was such a great business move and the excellent results her clients have seen so far. Best of all, she shares some really helpful tips for finding the podcasts in your industry that you absolutely need to be pitching.

You can find complete show notes and resources for this episode at scalingdeep.com/guest-podcasting-brigitte-lyons.