#65: Marketing deep with paid advertising using Facebook ads

Published: March 31, 2020, midnight

This month of deep marketing discussions has been so fun for me and I hope it’s been super informative for you. I wanted to wrap things up with a solo episode about something new I’ve learned in the past year of marketing that surprised me: Facebook ads can be a deep marketing strategy.

First I’ll talk about what makes a marketing strategy “deep” in the first place and why deep marketing is so valuable in online business today. I’ll then tell you why Facebook ads can be used effectively for deep marketing and how they compare to other awareness strategies. I’ll also talk a bit about the technical side of ads, how they can help you test your messaging and why they can be a good way to get hands-off with your marketing.

And I’ll answer a question I hear a lot from entrepreneurs who are considering Facebook ads: “Should I just do these myself?” I think that it depends on what you want to focus on in your business, but there are a lot of great reasons to learn the basic ropes yourself and then hire someone to pour a lot of energy into those ads. 

Next month we’ll be talking about deep messaging and I’m so excited for that too. See you back here next week!

You can find complete show notes and resources for this episode at https://scalingdeep.com/facebook-ads-strategist/