#33: Six steps to turn your $100k business into a $1m business

Published: Aug. 20, 2019, midnight

In this episode I share my million dollar roadmap. Even if you're not quite there yet, have a listen because it’s actually a more doable than you might believe. In this episode I share some of the things that need to be in place to do it successfully and with confidence. Because I think that's what it really takes -  confidence, determination, desire and vision.

Here's a preview of the six steps:

One:  Simplify your Service

If you're beyond the freelancing phase, doing whatever anybody wants and it's draining you might be ready to get beyond customizing everything & offer only a couple of services.

Two: Finalize your Frameworks

This framework or system becomes the container for your body of work. 

Three: Start the team

One important way to free yourself up is to hire one person at a fairly high level.

Four:  Setting up the systems

Setting up the systems for your business to operate smoothly will include roles and responsibilities, doing some strategic planning and goal setting so that you can have goals and KPIs for your staff.

Five:  Scaling Marketing 

Aiming for the million dollar mark requires scaling at a whole new level and that's investment in marketing.

Six:  Thought leadership

Now you get to really speak up because the more you speak up with your mission and your message, the more you will be able to get in front of people and get referred more quickly.