#107: How to create a summit to build visibility, nurture relationships and increase revenue with Krista Miller

Published: Jan. 19, 2021, 1 a.m.

I’m sure that in your business journey you’ve attended no end of summits and conferences. Some of them are great, some of them… not so much. But have you ever thought of hosting your own?

My guest today is Krista Miller. After attending too many virtual seminars that felt gross and overdone, she decided to do things her way. Following the successful launch of her own summit, Krista launched Summit In A Box in 2018 to guide entrepreneurs in creating their own virtual summits in order to achieve fast business growth. Hear how she does it in today’s episode.

You can find complete show notes and resources for this episode at scalingdeep.com/summit-revenue-growth-krista-miller.