The Personal Side Of A Business Merger

Published: April 22, 2019, 12:30 a.m.

Tim Pearce is someone who is not lacking in confidence or self-belief – but he is humble with it.

He realised back in 2012 that he didn’t want to be constrained by the corporate ladder and work through promotion after promotion at somebody else’s pace – so he left and started his own company. 

That led to a journey that involved growing organically along with two mergers, which brought a completely new set of problems - both of a business and a personal nature. 

Accountancy is a business that is more varied, complicated and risky than most would have you believe, and Tim has been through all of those ups and downs - and more.

In this latest episode of ScaleUp Radio Kevin speaks to Tim about his ScaleUp journey, and the lessons that he has learned along the way.

They cover many aspects of running and scaling up a business, including:

 - Knowing when things are too much for just you, and you need to bring other people onboard

 - The importance of recommendations and referrals

 - How to work with new team members, bringing them into an established team

 - That, if you are merging your company, you need to think carefully about the personal effects on you and your team

 - What is the future of accountancy, as making tax digital becomes compulsory.

 This is a great conversation and, no matter how big or small your business is, you should take some great pointers from Tim’s story.

You can connect with Tim by email on

In each episode, Kevin Brent from BizSmart will speak to people about their business journey; how they learned to take their company to the next level - and the advice that can be passed on to other business owners and startups everywhere.

Scaling up your business isn't easy, and can be a little daunting. Let ScaleUp Radio make it a little easier for you. With guests who have been where you are now, and can offer their thoughts and advice on several aspects of business. ScaleUp Radio is the business podcast you've been waiting for.