Salty Language 463 - Monkey Fair

Published: June 23, 2020, 5:51 a.m.

This week Bryan and Tony discuss their week, paranormal shows, Father's Day, Keaton to play Batman again?, abuse accusations against wrestlers and comedians, Undertaker retires, The Meg, The View, Wish order, unplugged ventilator, Last of Us, provocative fart, Flavortown, petition, drunk monkey attack, our QoftheW, and more! 
1. Robot fan
2. Family unplugs ventilator to plug in fan
3.  Michael Keaton to play Batman again?
4. Man fined in Austria over fart
5. Sex club reopens despite the Coronavirus
6. Petition to change Columbus, Ohio name to Flavortown
7. Drunk monkey attacks 250 people
8. Wrestlers accused of misconduct
9. Wrestlers accused of abuse
10. Comedians accused of abuse
QoftheW: If toys did actually come to life like Toy Story, which toy would you be most afraid of?
Salty Language #SQoftheW Playlist
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