The Importance of Values Randy Stroman

Published: Sept. 24, 2019, 1:10 a.m.


In this podcast of SalesPOP!, interviewing Randy Stroman who is a sought-after speaker, trainer and coach, and the co-founder of The Stromans, a leadership and relationship coaching firm located in Dallas, Texas. Randy works with Fortune 500 companies, successful entrepreneurs, small start-ups, and non-profits seeking expanded outreach and membership growth.

Today we will talk about the following points:

\\u2022 What is the importance of values in business and sales?

\\u2022 What will be the exact definition of value?

\\u2022 What are some of the common values that are more common to high performing organizations?

\\u2022 How to train people; especially the managers to be able to have value-driven conversations?

\\u2022 Is there any general example of transformation after adding values to the business?

Today where everything is shortcuts and instant gratification where you want to grab as much as you can. In some ways, the concept of values sounds outdated. So watch this video to get an exact idea of the whole concept.

The concept of value may sound outdated but the fact is everything that comes to us in life is going to come through our values. You can shortchange that process. We all have different values but the values you have will be going to determine your outcome every time.
