Ep:23 - Sales Takes Teamwork

Published: Jan. 9, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Even though sales is an individually rewarding profession, it takes a support network to be successful. You may be the one getting paid for the sale, but you can't do it all by yourself. We all have an obligation to support the professionalism of sales by taking care of the customer, supporting your coworkers and keeping internal conflicts internal. Leaders have an obligation to promote teamwork by getting rid of those detrimental to the team and hiring the right people in the first place! To write an iTunes review from your phone: 1) Search for "S.A.L.E.S. is Simple" in podcasts. You don't have to include the periods or the capitalization. 2) Click on the S.A.L.E.S. is Simple podcast at the bottom of your screen. 3) Click the second tab (Reviews) 4) Click "Write a Review" 5) Tab to your star rating, enter a title, and put in your (optional) review. Make sure to visit my website at tamahnjamison.com for more information. THANK YOU!