Why a Noble Purpose is Essential for Sales Career Success with Lisa McLeod and Elizabeth Lotardo

Published: Feb. 8, 2022, 3:50 a.m.


This is episode 468.

Read the complete transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

LISA\\u2019S TIP: \\u201cNoble purpose is both a strategic intent and a methodology. It\\u2019s based on the research that says salespeople who focus on improving life for customers outperform salespeople focused on targets and quotas. That\\u2019s really easy to see why. If you had a choice of two salespeople coming to call on you and one sitting in your waiting room, or your virtual waiting room, thinking, \\u201cI got to close this deal.\\u201d The other one\\u2019s sitting in the virtual waiting room thinking, \\u201cHow can I help this customer?\\u201d You\\u2019re going to like the second one better.\\u201d

ELIZABETH\\u2019S TIP: \\u201cTell a customer impact story. Those stories do so much for your customers, and the ability to describe how you make a difference to others can win them over. They also do a lot for you personally. Talking about how you\\u2019ve made a difference fills you with pride, we release that dopamine, that serotonin, that we know feels so good. People on both sides of the seller relationship are craving that now.\\u201d
