Why a Bias for Action Is Critical for Today's Sales Success with Amazon Web Services' Sales Leader Sandy Carter

Published: Aug. 6, 2021, 12:27 a.m.


This is episode 390.

Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

SANDY\'S TIP FOR EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "Have a bias for action. One of the riddles I like to talk about is if you look at a pond and lily pads on the pond, if lily pads double every day \\u2013 so today you have three lily pads, that means tomorrow there\\u2019ll be six \\u2013 at what day would the lily pad be half-full if on day 60 the pond is full? Of course, it\\u2019s 59 because on day 59 the pond\\u2019s half-full, on day 60, the pond is full. I use that analogy because that\\u2019s the speed at which the world works today. Everything is moving quick, so you\\u2019ve got to have that bias for action in what you\\u2019re doing. Bias for action in getting back to your customers, talking about value, introducing new technology. If you wait, you\\u2019re going to be sitting there, you\\u2019re going to think the pond is half-full and you\\u2019re going to wake up the next day and the pond is full. It\\u2019s going to be too late. If I have to say one thing, it would be commit yourself to have a bias for action with your customers, and that\\u2019ll make you a more valuable salesperson."
