Stress Free Way to Launch Startup In Red Tape Industries with Jarie Bolander of Lab Sensor Solutions

Published: Jan. 19, 2016, 12:30 a.m.


Ep 122 Jarie Bolander of LabSensor Solutions is an engineer by training, entrepreneur by nature and leader by endurance. Presently, he is the founder and COO of Lab Sensor Solutions, a company bringing sensor technology to healthcare to prevent medical errors.


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3 Key Points:

  1. Know your industry.
  2. \\n
  3. Quality, quality, quality.
  4. \\n
  5. Start slow and do a LOT of research.
  6. \\n

Episode Notes:

  • 01:15\\xa0 \\u2013 Nathan\\u2019s introduction to today\\u2019s Show with Jarie Bolander
  • \\n
  • 01:25 \\u2013 Lab Sensor Solutions
  • \\n
  • 02:27 \\u2013 Five founders discovered a need for their product
  • \\n
  • 03:14 \\u2013 How equity is split
  • \\n
  • 04:10 \\u2013 4 year vesting period
  • \\n
  • 04:22 \\u2013 Sales process
  • \\n
  • 05:09 \\u2013 85% margins
  • \\n
  • 06:08 \\u2013 Raised $420k seed money from friends and family
  • \\n
  • 06:24\\u2013 Who are the customers?
  • \\n
  • 07:31\\u2013 Break down of membership and service
  • \\n
  • 07:33 \\u2013 Business was launched in January after working on the sales platform for 2 years
  • \\n
  • 07:47 \\u2013 Current monthly earnings
  • \\n
  • 08:30 \\u2013 High touch sales process
  • \\n
  • 08:45 \\u2013 Growth hacking methods
  • \\n
  • 09:25 \\u2013 Average sale per customer after trial period
  • \\n
  • 11:25 \\u2013 $3k/month revenue
  • \\n
  • 11:48 \\u2013 Effect of affordable care act on Lab Sensor Solutions
  • \\n
  • 12:44 \\u2013 The Famous Five
  • \\n

Resources Mentioned:

  • Lab Sensor Solutions\\u2014Jarie\\u2019s new venture, a B2B medical company that ensures blood sample integrity in transit.
  • \\n
  • Growth Geeks \\u2013 The way Nathan hires growth hackers on a per project basis for things like info graphics, blog posts, and other growth projects without hiring full time employees.
  • \\n
  • The Pumpkin Plan\\u2014By Mike Michalowicz
  • \\n

Famous 5

  • Favorite Book?\\u2014 The Pumpkin Plan By Mike Michalowicz
  • \\n
  • What CEO do you follow?\\u2014 Brian Clark
  • \\n
  • What is your favorite online tool?\\u2014 Slack
  • \\n
  • Do you get 8 hours of sleep?\\u2014Trying
  • \\n
  • If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?\\u2014Be confident that you can be your own boss. The people who tell you that you can\\u2019t are probably just jealous that you\\u2019re doing it.
  • \\n







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A STUDENT who wants to become the CEO of a $10m company in under 24 months (episode #4)


STUCK in the CORPORATE grind and looking to create a $10k/mo side business so you can quit (episode #7)


An influencer or BLOGGER who wants to make $27k/mo in monthly RECURRING revenue to have the life you want and full CONTROL (episode #1)


The Software as a Service (SaaS) entrepreneur who wants to grow to a $100m+ valuation (episode #14).


Your host, Nathan Latka is a 25 year old software entrepreneur who has driven over $4.5 million in revenue and built a 25 person team as he dropped out of school, raised $2.5million from a Forbes Billionaire, and attracted over 10,000 paying customers from 160+ different countries.




Oprah gets 60 minutes or more to make her guests comfortable to then ask tough questions. Nathan does it all in less than 15 minutes in this daily podcast that\'s like an audio version of Pat Flynn\'s monthly income report. Join the Top Tribe at
