How To Quickly Build Million Dollar SaaS Company with Jonathon Ende of Seamless Docs

Published: Jan. 30, 2016, 3 p.m.

Episode 156


Ep 156 features\xa0Jonathon Ende, the founder and CEO of Seamless Docs, a next generation e-signature platform that specializes in working with businesses and governments to digitize and automate their pdf and form processes. Listen as Nathan and Jonathon talk about how local governments are using Seamless Doc\u2019s services to modernize cumbersome forms.


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Top Entrepreneurs join Nathan Latka daily inspired by, Art of Charm, Pat Flynn, John Dumas, Entrepreneur on Fire, Chalene Johnson, Lewis Howes, School of Greatness, HBR Podcast, the StartUp podcast, Mixergy, Andrew Warner, AskGaryVee, and the great hosts of BiggerPockets!


3 Key Points:

  • It\u2019s important for new startups to find their \u201cperfect customer\u201d AKA a target consumer who is in consistent need of a particular service or product.
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  • One of the hardest things for an entrepreneur to do is to change people\u2019s existing routines.
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  • Account management is an effective way to promote the growth of businesses.
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Jonathon is an experienced CEO passionate about government innovation. He is dedicated to bringing his diverse skill set and applying all his resources to truly changing the way that government works.

He has been honored by the GREAT Tech Awards winning a grant from the British Government and even receiving the award from Prince William and Mayor DeBlasio of NYC. He has also been appointed a NYC Venture Fellow by the NYEDC and the 92Y and won the prestigious NextCity Vanguard Award, the Grand Prize Winner of $100K at TechWeek NYC and winner of Code for America Technology Award for Government Innovation.

He also was a member of the prestigious Entrepreneur Roundtable Accelerator and Code for America Accelerator Program and is a member of the Urban.Us, 1776, and Govtech Fund portfolio and networks.

Jonathon is excited to continue being a trailblazer within the Govtech community. He believes that interacting with your government can be a beautiful experience.


Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 01:00 \u2013 Nathan\u2019s introduction to today\u2019s show
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  • 01:50 \u2013 Jonathon joins the show
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  • 01:58 \u2013 Seamless Docs takes any existing PDF and turns it into an online \u2018smart\u2019 version.
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  • 02:40 \u2013 The idea is to make cumbersome forms easier to access by converting it from a PDF to a format that can be filled through various digital means.
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  • 03:34 \u2013 Government agencies and businesses are billed annually using Seamless Docs.
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  • 04:14 \u2013 Jonathon\u2019s company is gaining clients at a rate of about 1 per day, and over 300 clients use the service right now.
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  • 04:39 \u2013 Most customers are local governments that pay between 5K to 100K a year for Seamless Doc\u2019s services.
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  • 05:56 \u2013 Before Seamless Docs, Jonathon found that PDF\u2019s came with various inconveniences.
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  • 06:03 \u2013 \u201cOne of the hardest things for an entrepreneur to do is to change people\u2019s existing processes (routines).\u201d
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  • 06:58 \u2013 Finding the \u201cperfect customer\u201d is crucial for an entrepreneur.
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  • 07:09 \u2013 The company struggled when it was first started in 2013.
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  • 07:55 \u2013 Nathan and Jonathon talk about convertible notes for Seamless Docs.
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  • 08:42 \u2013 Because Seamless Docs is primarily used by the government, it has a low churn rate. (less than 1%).
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  • 09:28 \u2013 The average customer pays an average of 17K annually.
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  • 10:05 \u2013 Seamless docs has been focusing on account management to foster growth.
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  • 12:40 \u2013 Forms in government are clunky and inconvenient. Jonathon\u2019s services ensure that they\u2019ll be digitalized and a more modern experience.
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  • 13:42 \u2013 Seamless Docs is predicting 10x growth by next year. 2 million -> 20 million.
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  • 15:14 \u2013 Famous Five
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Resources Mentioned:

  • Growth Geeks \u2013 The way Nathan hires growth hackers on a per project basis for things like info graphics, blog posts, and other growth projects
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  • LinkedIn \u2013 Jonathon\u2019s LinkedIn
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  • CrunchBase \u2013 Jonathon\u2019s Crunch Base
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  • Seamless Docs \u2013 Jonathon\u2019s company.
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  • Elon Musk \u2013 CEO Jonathon is mildly obsessed with
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  • Intercom \u2013 Jonathon\u2019s favorite online tool
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  • The Lean Startup \u2013 Book Jonathon stands by
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Famous 5

  • Favorite Book?\u2014 The Lean Startup by Eric Ries.
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  • What CEO do you follow?\u2014 Elon Musk
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  • What is your favorite online tool?\u2014 Intercom
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  • Do you get 8 hours of sleep?\u2014 No, he\u2019d be lucky to get 6.
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  • If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?\u2014Focus.
  • \n



Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives


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