How to Bet On Poker Players and Make Money with Scott Hansbury of YouStake EP 206

Published: March 29, 2016, 4:09 p.m.

Scott Hansbury, CEO of YouStake, a company that gives poker fans the ability to stake their favorite players in real, fully-licensed tournaments. As a 53 year-old entrepreneur and former Sun Microsystems executive, Scott is a goldmine of business insight\u2014listen as he shares those insights with us on today\u2019s show.




Time Stamped Show Notes:
01:18 \u2013 Nathan\u2019s introduction
01:45 \u2013 Welcoming Scott to the show
02:00 \u2013 Giving up the corporate world
02:46 \u2013 Talking successful exits
03:32 \u2013 Mezzanine round of funding
04:00 \u2013 ARR was $15M when they sold to Sun Microsystems at $400M\u2014during the silly days of the internet \u201899
05:31 \u2013 Staying motivated when you\u2019re \u201cSet for life\u201d
07:15 \u2013 Staking in the poker industry
08:19 \u2013 Person to Person sponsorship\u2014IRS approved!
08:44 \u2013 Bootstrapped to launch
10:25 \u2013 How the betting/staking works
11:08 \u2013 So far, YouStake has garnered $2.8M stakes and $1.4M pledges
12:30 \u2013 There are a shitload of poker fans worldwide
14:24 \u2013 The average stake is $340
15:13 -- %5 goes to YouStake and 2.9% goes to fee processors
15:53 \u2013 Registered and Active Users are the two metrics that matter most to YouStake
16:41 \u2013 User acquisition is done through social media
17:53 \u2013


Famous 5
Favorite Book? \u2013 The Innovator\u2019s Dilemma
What CEO do you follow?\u2014 Jeff Bezos
What is your favorite online tool?\u2014 Wunderlist
Do you get 8 hours of sleep?\u2014 No
If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?\u2014Spend more time conducting 24-sponges, filter, and then apply.


3 Key Points:
Think about building a business overseas\u2014America isn\u2019t always the best place.
Resources Mentioned:
Edgar \u2013 Nathan uses Edgar instead of other scheduling tools\xa0for Twitter because Edgar cycles through content over and over (buffer/others you have to re-input content over and over \u2013 time consuming). In the last several months, Edgar has driven Nathan over 3728 clicks that he didn\u2019t have to work or pay for.
Host Gator - Powerful web hosting made easy and affordable.
Wunderlist \u2013 The online tool Scott can\u2019t live without
The Innovator\u2019s Dilemma \u2013 Scott\u2019s favorite business book
Jeff Bezos \u2013 The CEO Scott closely follows




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