How To Acquire $1m+ Company For $2 Dollars with Eric Siu CEO of Single Grain

Published: Jan. 31, 2016, 3 p.m.


Ep 159\\xa0Eric Siu, the CEO of the digital marketing agency Single Grain, which has helped companies such as Salesforce, Yahoo, and Intuit scale their revenues online. Listen as Nathan and Eric talk about how Single Grain went from having negative cash flow to profiting 30K a month.


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Eric Siu has worked with various startups, non-profit organizations, and co-founded an online marketing agency. He was formerly the Growth lead at Treehouse, an online coding education business and is currently the CEO of Single Grain, a digital marketing agency. Eric has a podcast based on growth hacking at


3 Key Points:

  • Often it\\u2019s beneficial for a business to expand its main money making channel instead of investing in new ones.
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  • Previous expertise shouldn\\u2019t be underestimated as it can lend itself to current ventures.
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  • Watching the numbers of one\\u2019s business\\u2019s rise and fall is a more involved process and can be more insightful than reading a report.
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Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 01:00 \\u2013 Nathan\\u2019s introduction to today\\u2019s show
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  • 01:12 \\u2013 Eric joins the show
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  • 01:22 \\u2013 Single Grain is a marketing agency that helps with search engine optimization and paid advertising.
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  • 02:08 \\u2013 Single Grain made 30K in monthly revenue from making nothing eight months ago.
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  • 02:29 \\u2013 Eric was first brought on to help the agency for a 10% stake. Later he bought the other 90% for only two dollars.
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  • 03:25 \\u2013 The company was struggling when Eric bought it out \\u2013 losing money at negative 27K in net profit despite generating 1.5 million dollars in annual revenue.
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  • 04:32 \\u2013 Eric sat down with the original founder and was able to negotiate owning the entire company by leveraging his expertise.
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  • 05:42 \\u2013 Single Grain also generates money by referring to other agencies for services the company no longer fulfills. (Such as search engine optimization)
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  • 06:28 \\u2013 Eric\\u2019s previous expertise hiring marketers allows him to vet agencies and determine their quality of work.
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  • 06:53 \\u2013 Nathan and Eric discuss the latter\\u2019s earnings from Single Grain.
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  • 07:42 \\u2013 For his newer business Care Sprout, Eric is delving into the senior living industry.
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  • 08:33 \\u2013 Care Sprout has whittled its lead cost to 60-70$ per individual signing up for services.
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  • 10:05 \\u2013 Nathan and Eric break down how Care Sprout makes money.
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  • 11:09 \\u2013 A lot of businesses tend to neglect their main money making channel in favor of creating new ones.
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  • 11:27 \\u2013 Eric talks about Care Sprout\\u2019s current money making channel, phone calls.
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  • 12:17 \\u2013 Care Sprout spends about 30K a month for lead acquisition channels. (420 new leads per month.)
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  • 13:02 \\u2013 Eric likes to look at his company\\u2019s numbers personally, but also uses a dashboard tool called Cyfe.
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  • 15:27 \\u2013 Famous Five
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Resources Mentioned:

  • Growth Geeks \\u2013 The way Nathan hires growth hackers on a per project basis for things like info graphics, blog posts, and other growth projects
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  • Single Grain \\u2013 Eric\\u2019s current business
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  • Care Sprout \\u2013 Eric\\u2019s newer business
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  • Cyfe \\u2013 Dashboard software Eric uses
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  • GrowthEverywhere \\u2013 Eric\\u2019s Podcast
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  • @ericosiu \\u2013 Eric\\u2019s Twitter
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  • LinkedIn \\u2013 Eric\\u2019s LinkedIn
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  • Bill Gates \\u2013 CEO Eric follows
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  • Emerson Spartz \\u2013 CEO Eric follows
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  • Nathan Latka \\u2013 CEO Eric follows
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  • TextExpander \\u2013 Eric\\u2019s favorite online tool
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  • The Billionaire Who Wasn\\u2019t \\u2013 Book Eric stands by
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Famous 5

  • Favorite Book?\\u2014 The Billionaire Who Wasn\\u2019t \\u2013 by Conor O\\u2019Clery
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  • What CEO do you follow?\\u2014 Bill Gates, Emerson Spartz, Nathan Latka
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  • What is your favorite online tool?\\u2014 Text Expander
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  • Do you get 8 hours of sleep?\\u2014 Yes
  • \\n
  • If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?\\u2014Keep going; those who persist will eventually succeed.
  • \\n



Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives


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Your host, Nathan Latka is a 25 year old software entrepreneur who has driven over $4.5 million in revenue and built a 25 person team as he dropped out of school, raised $2.5million from a Forbes Billionaire, and attracted over 10,000 paying customers from 160+ different countries.




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