His company has lended $400m via unique canadian model with Jeff Goldenberg

Published: Feb. 7, 2016, 9:51 p.m.


Ep 176\\xa0Jeff Goldenberg, the head of growth at Borrowell a leading Canadian online marketplace lender. Listen as Nathan and Jeff talk about the concept of Engineering as Marketing and the trickiness of growing a loan related business.


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Top Entrepreneurs join Nathan Latka daily inspired by, Art of Charm, Pat Flynn, John Dumas, Entrepreneur on Fire, Chalene Johnson, Lewis Howes, School of Greatness, HBR Podcast, the StartUp podcast, Mixergy, Andrew Warner, AskGaryVee, and the great hosts of BiggerPockets!


3 Key Points:

  1. Engineering as Marketing is a concept in which a service or product is provided for free and in turn is used as a lead generator.
  2. \\n
  3. Borrowell keeps the loans it processes off its books as it\\u2019s only a marketplace for buying and selling loans \\u2013 not processing the loans themselves.
  4. \\n
  5. Like in the case of Borrowell, growing a business is never straightforward \\u2013 Burrowell has to examine all its loans carefully so they don\\u2019t pay the price.
  6. \\n

Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 01:00 \\u2013 Nathan\\u2019s introduction to today\\u2019s show
  • \\n
  • 01:40 \\u2013 Jeff joins the show.
  • \\n
  • 01:50 \\u2013 Borrowell is a marketplace lender. They offer online loans to high credit Canadians.
  • \\n
  • 03:37 \\u2013 Customer acquisition cost is Burrowell\\u2019s key metric when measuring their progress.
  • \\n
  • 04:42 \\u2013 Borrowell isn\\u2019t bootstrapped \\u2013 they\\u2019ve raised 5.4 million by the end of last year.
  • \\n
  • 05:31 \\u2013 Jeff talks about loan capital and equity in Borrowell.
  • \\n
  • 06:22 \\u2013 Borrowell is only a marketplace in which people buy and sell loans. Investors such as banks provide loan capital.
  • \\n
  • 08:46 \\u2013 Growth is tricky because Borrowell doesn\\u2019t want to process unreliable loans quickly that might sink them in the future.
  • \\n
  • 09:36 \\u2013 Jeff is available on Twitter: @jeff_goldenberg.
  • \\n
  • 10:05 \\u2013 Borrowell is closing in on half a billion loan applications in Canada.
  • \\n
  • 11:04 \\u2013 Jeff\\u2019s favorite growth tool is known as Engineering as Marketing. Which is when a service or product is made free and used as a lead generator. (Dropbox, Hubspot)
  • \\n
  • 13:00 \\u2013 Borrowell takes a percentage of each loan between 1-5%.
  • \\n
  • 14:51 \\u2013 They are raising below 20 million in a Series A.
  • \\n
  • 16:53 \\u2013 Famous Five
  • \\n

Resources Mentioned:

  • Edgar \\u2013 Nathan uses Edgar instead of other scheduling tools\\xa0for Twitter because Edgar cycles through content over and over (buffer/others you have to re-input content over and over \\u2013 time consuming). In the last several months, Edgar has driven Nathan over 3728 clicks that he didn\\u2019t have to work or pay for. Here isNathan\\u2019s Edgar Content Calendar:
  • \\n





Jeff Goldenberg is the Head of Growth at Borrowell, a leading Canadian online marketplace lender.\\xa0 He is a sought after expert and speaker in the areas of digital marketing, growth hacking and business development for innovative, high-growth companies. He is an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at MaRS Discovery District as well as a mentor at the TechStars/Startup Next accelerator.


Famous 5

  • Favorite Book?- Traction and Choose Yourself
  • \\n
  • What CEO do you follow?\\u2014 Elon Musk
  • \\n
  • What is your favorite online tool?\\u2014 Zapier
  • \\n
  • Do you get 8 hours of sleep?\\u2014 Yes
  • \\n
  • If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?\\u2014 You don\\u2019t have to jump on a concept with two feet \\u2013 you can test the waters first.
  • \\n

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The Software as a Service (SaaS) entrepreneur who wants to grow to a $100m+ valuation (episode #14).


Your host, Nathan Latka is a 25 year old software entrepreneur who has driven over $4.5 million in revenue and built a 25 person team as he dropped out of school, raised $2.5million from a Forbes Billionaire, and attracted over 10,000 paying customers from 160+ different countries.




Oprah gets 60 minutes or more to make her guests comfortable to then ask tough questions. Nathan does it all in less than 15 minutes in this daily podcast that\'s like an audio version of Pat Flynn\'s monthly income report. Join the Top Tribe at http://NathanLatka.com/TheTop
