EP 522: Delivra $15M 2017 Goal, $700k MRR Now, Helping 450+ Customers Sell Things with CEO Neil Berman

Published: Dec. 28, 2016, 10 a.m.


Nathan interviews Neil Berman. This guy knows SaaS and launched his company called Delivra, in 1999, in the email marketing space. Listen as Neil shares how Delivra has grown exponentially in 17 years, without the need to raise funds and get into debt.

Famous Five:

  • Favorite Book? \\u2013 Great CEOs are Lazy
  • What CEO do you follow? \\u2013\\xa0 Mark Zuckerberg
  • Favorite online tool? \\u2014 Twitter and LinkedIn
  • Do you get 8 hours of sleep?\\u2014 \\u201cAt least\\u201d
  • If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? \\u2013 \\u201cPatience and determination will win the game\\u201d


Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 01:37 \\u2013 Nathan introduces Neil to the show
  • 01:59 \\u2013 Delivra is an email marketing software tool that helps clients \\u201csell more stuff\\u201d
  • 02:10 \\u2013 They are a high break-even business with a low variable cost, so the more customers the better
  • 02:15 \\u2013 Delivra is a SaaS business
  • 02:25 \\u2013 Delivra currently has 500 direct\\xa0 paying clients, and a couple thousand resellers
  • 02:33 \\u2013 Average customer pays $800-900 per month
  • 03:21 \\u2013 Total revenue in 2016 about $4.8M
  • 03:33 \\u2013 Total revenue in 2015 is $4.2M
  • 03:45 \\u2013 Delivra has 3 marketing buckets
  • 04:00 \\u2013 Total team size is over 40+
    • 04:12 \\u2013 Main team location in Indianapolis
  • 04:23 \\u2013 Gross customer churn per month is 1.5%
  • 04:45 \\u2013 A customer stays with Delivra for 42 months
  • 05:00 \\u2013 LTV
  • 05:10 \\u2013 CAC is $1.08
  • 06:33 \\u2013 Delivra hasn\\u2019t raised yet and they have no debt, but are looking at options
    • 06:45 \\u2013 Neil\\u2019s target for their first round
  • 07:43 \\u2013 Delivra has grown organically over the years
  • 08:17 \\u2013 Neil is meeting with a capital markets team to learn about how to take Delivra to the next level
  • 08:50 \\u2013 Neil would think seriously about an offer
  • 09:40 \\u2013 Neil shares how their customers are using Delivra
  • 10:25 \\u2013 Connect with Neil through his website Delivra
  • 12:20 \\u2013 The Famous Five


3 Key Points:

  • Before you do your first round of raising, get advice from an expert.
  • It\\u2019s incredible growing through organic traffic, but always aim to know what is the next level for your company.
  • Patience and determination will win the game.


Resources Mentioned:

  • Acuity Scheduling \\u2013 Nathan uses Acuity to schedule his podcast interviews and appointments
  • Drip \\u2013 Nathan uses Drip\\u2019s email automation platform and visual campaign builder to build his sales funnel
  • Toptal\\xa0\\u2013 Nathan found his development team using Toptal for his new business Send Later. He was able to keep 100% equity and didn\\u2019t have to hire a co-founder due to the quality of Toptal
  • Host Gator\\xa0\\u2013 The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for the cheapest price possible.
  • Audible\\xa0\\u2013 Nathan uses Audible when he\\u2019s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5-hour drive) to listen to audio books.
  • The Top Inbox\\xa0 \\u2013 The site Nathan uses to schedule emails to be sent later, set reminders in inbox, track opens and follow-up with email sequences
  • Delivra.com \\u2013 Neil\\u2019s business website
  • Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives