EP 375: Dad of 4 Holds Secret to Buying Time, Clearing Your Calendar With Ari Miesel of LessDoing.com

Published: Aug. 3, 2016, 4 p.m.


Ari Meisel, host of the Less Doing Podcast. Ari\\u2019s book Less Doing, More Living has sold over 30,000 copies and has been translated into six other languages. Even with four children, Ari stays on top of his consulting business that continues to bring in more revenue every month.

Famous 5:


  • Favorite Book? \\u2013 The Art of War
  • What CEO do you follow? \\u2014 Elon Musk
  • Favorite online tool? \\u2014 Inbox by Google
  • Do you get 8 hours of sleep?\\u2014No
  • If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? \\u2014 Test ideas before you jump into them.


Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 01:30 \\u2013 Nathan introduces Ari
  • 02:00 \\u2013 Ari is a productivity consultant/coach
  • 02:20 \\u2013 Virtual company has brought in the most revenue
  • 02:35 \\u2013 They offer on-demand project managers
  • 03:00 \\u2013 Customers pay a membership fee and then an hourly fee for service
  • 03:30 \\u2013 First-year revenue was $200000
  • 04:15 \\u2013 170 current customers
  • 04:40 \\u2013 They find customers through Ari\\u2019s following and the podcast
  • 05:50 \\u2013 Ari is involved with his customers
  • 06:10 \\u2013 It\\u2019s an expensive service because of the quality and variety of what they can do
  • 06:45 \\u2013 Ari likes connecting resources for other businesses and finding talent
  • 07:15 \\u2013 They are really involved in all of the businesses that hire them
  • 07:35 \\u2013 \\u201cAn easy-bake oven for a business\\u201d
  • 08:40 \\u2013 Average customer pays about $1150/month
  • 09:20 \\u2013 In May they had $46000 in revenue, and they are growing every month
  • 10:00 \\u2013 His business takes care of a lot of the daily tasks for business owners and companies
  • 10:50 \\u2013 The company is self-funded
    • 11:05 \\u2013 They decline anyone who wants to invest in the company
  • 11:58 \\u2013 Less Doing Podcast
    • 12:10 \\u2013 30000 downloads per month
    • 12:20 \\u2013 A weekly show
    • 12:35 \\u2013 Average downloads per episode for the first couple months: 3000
    • 13:30 \\u2013 Sponsorship revenue for the podcast
  • 14:08 \\u2013 Ari\\u2019s books, Less Doing, More Living and The Art of Less Doing
  • 15:00 \\u2013 He got an advance with Random House/Penguin for Less Doing, More Living
    • 15:15 \\u2013 How he got an advance as a first-time author
    • 16:20 \\u2013 30000 copies sold
  • 18:00 \\u2013 Lessdoing.com
  • 20:00 \\u2013 The Famous Five

3 Key Points:

  • Create the best service and business that you possibly can.
  • Find your specific talent and put yourself in that industry.
  • It is possible to balance a busy life with your business.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Host Gator \\u2013 The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for cheapest price possible.
  • Freshbooks - The site Nathan uses to manage his invoices and accounts.
  • Leadpages\\xa0 \\u2013 The drag and drop tool Nathan uses to quickly create his webinar landing pages which convert at 35%+
  • Audible \\u2013 Nathan uses Audible when he\'s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5 hour drive) to listen to audio books.
  • Inbox by Google \\u2013 Ari\\u2019s favorite online tool
  • Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives

