807: He Exited His Company Than Invests $1m Into Energy Company For Operations Roll

Published: Oct. 9, 2017, 9 a.m.


Christopher Engman, the founder of companies like Vendemore, Retain24, TaxiSystem and many others and he\\u2019s also an active investor. One of his companies, which he\\u2019s now active and an investor in is called Climeon. He\\u2019s also involved with Proof Analytics, Trigger Bee and many others.

Famous Five:

  • Favorite Book? \\u2013 Inside the Tornado
  • What CEO do you follow? \\u2013 N/A
  • Favorite online tool? \\u2014 LinkedIn
  • How many hours of sleep do you get?\\u2014 7
  • If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? \\u2013 \\u201cPut learning fast in front of prestige\\u201d


Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 01:38 \\u2013 Nathan introduces Christopher to the show
  • 02:14 \\u2013 All of the companies Christopher founded are profitable and are growing companies
  • 02:50 \\u2013 Christopher\\u2019s biggest exit was Vendemore
    • 03:04 \\u2013 Christopher ran it for 9 years
    • 03:12 \\u2013 Vendemore was initially bootstrapped and raised funds
    • 03:51 \\u2013 The exit was three years ago
    • 04:42 \\u2013 Christopher and his wife owned 75% of Vendemore
  • 05:40 \\u2013 Christopher took 50% of his Vendemore exit to start Climeon
    • 05:53 \\u2013 It has 350 shareholders
  • 06:11 \\u2013 Christopher believes that Climeon will be the next dominant player in mechanical engineering
  • 07:13 \\u2013 It is easier to raise funds if you have a number of shareholders
    • 07:28 \\u2013 The next round for Climeon will be a big round
  • 08:08 \\u2013 Christopher shares how Climeon works
    • 09:50 \\u2013 The process of energy transformation inside the Climeon
  • 10:37 \\u2013 Christopher believes in the potential of Climeon
  • 11:24 \\u2013 Team size is 40
  • 11:41 \\u2013 Climeon has less than 10 customers
  • 12:10 \\u2013 Climeon\\u2019s target clients are steel plants, cement plants and those in geothermal energy
  • 12:36 \\u2013 Christopher runs sales and marketing
  • 12:42 \\u2013 Climeon\\u2019s founder is in CTO side
  • 12:54 \\u2013 Christopher shares how he found out about Climeon
    • 13:20 \\u2013 Christopher\\u2019s shares in the company is quite big
  • 14:05 \\u2013 The starting contract value of Climeon
  • 14:40 \\u2013 Climeon is getting several hundreds of millions of dollars per client
  • 14:51 \\u2013 Christopher doesn\\u2019t get commission from the sales
  • 16:40 \\u2013 The Famous Five


3 Key Points:

  1. Building companies isn\\u2019t always about revenue, but the value you bring.
  2. If you believe in something, go for it.
  3. Turning heat into electricity is the future of energy.


Resources Mentioned:

  • Simplero \\u2013 The easiest way to launch your own membership course like the big influencers do but at 1/10th the cost.
  • The Top Inbox \\u2013 The site Nathan uses to schedule emails to be sent later, set reminders in inbox, track opens, and follow-up with email sequences
  • GetLatka - Database of all B2B SaaS companies who have been on my show including their revenue, CAC, churn, ARPU and more
  • Klipfolio \\u2013 Track your business performance across all departments for FREE
  • Hotjar \\u2013 Nathan uses Hotjar to track what you\\u2019re doing on this site. He gets a video of each user visit like where they clicked and scrolled to make the site a better experience
  • Acuity Scheduling \\u2013 Nathan uses Acuity to schedule his podcast interviews and appointments
  • Host Gator\\u2013 The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for the cheapest price possible
  • Audible\\u2013 Nathan uses Audible when he\\u2019s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5-hour drive) to listen to audio books
  • Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives