774: CreativeLive's Chase Jarvis: If Linkedin Offered You $200m Do You Take It?

Published: Sept. 6, 2017, 9 a.m.


Chase Jarvis. He\\u2019s one of the most influential photographers in the last 20 years. He\\u2019s also the creator and CEO of CreativeLive. He\\u2019s won awards for his images on six different continents, including his contributions to the Pulitzer Prize winning story Snow Fall\\u2014the acclaimed New York Times interactive story heralded as the \\u201cfuture of journalistic storytelling\\u201d and\\xa0 Emmy nominated for his work documenting the music scene in Seattle. In 2009, he created the Best Camera app which was the first photo app that shared images directly to social networks. It was #1 on iTunes, App of the Year on Wired and got many other awards. He\'s currently focused on his work as the founder and CEO of CreativeLive, the world\'s largest online education platform for creatives and entrepreneurs with over a thousand teachers, 1500 classes and 10K hours of classes.

Famous Five:

  • Favorite Book? \\u2013 The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
  • What CEO do you follow? \\u2013 Jeff Weiner
  • Favorite online tool? \\u2014 Evernote
  • How many hours of sleep do you get?\\u2014 7.5
  • If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? \\u2013 Chase would tell himself that mental health is the most important thing


Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 01:48 \\u2013 Nathan introduces Chase to the show
  • 02:48 \\u2013 Nathan describes his experience with New York Times
  • 03:11 \\u2013 We are now in a weird and modern era of journalism and media
  • 03:20 \\u2013 \\u201cIf you\\u2019re really focused on innovating and breaking out of the norm, you can do it\\u201d
  • 03:35 \\u2013 Snow Fall is a story of an avalanche
    • 03:40 \\u2013 Chase\\u2019s friend was a victim in an avalanche so the story was extra special to him
  • 04:01 \\u2013 Feature storytelling is continuing to grow and evolve
  • 04:10 \\u2013 Physical newspaper is dying and has becoming uninteresting
  • 04:23 \\u2013 Chase believes that there will be platforms in the future that are embedded with native bells and whistles that will continue to evolve
  • 04:45 \\u2013 \\u201cJournalism is moving in the same direction as tech\\u201d
  • 05:02 \\u2013 As platforms become more templated, we\\u2019ll become more interactive and have exciting experience with our news
  • 05:24 \\u2013 \\u201cTiming is everything\\u201d
  • 05:30 \\u2013 Chase shares his experience with his Best Camera app
    • 05:38 \\u2013 Being the first was challenging
    • 05:43 \\u2013 The developer was in a legal snafu which slowed down the creation of the app and paralyzed Chase\\u2019s business
    • 05:57 \\u2013 Companies had already asked Chase if they could buy his app
    • 06:13 \\u2013 Chase has spent 10 years identifying himself as an artist and entrepreneur
    • 06:30 \\u2013 Chase was struggling with his overall identity
    • 07:30 \\u2013 Chase just shut down his app; moved on and learned from it
  • 08:11 \\u2013 \\u201cI got more juice to go help other people break through some of those problems\\u201d
  • 08:40 \\u2013 Specifically, Chase owns all the intellectual property of his app
  • 09:39 \\u2013 \\u201cWe need to overcome the psychology of being stuck in paralysis and analysis\\u201d
  • 10:05 \\u2013 Chase was in his late 30s in 2009
  • 10:27 \\u2013 Chase thinks that humans are generally resilient so he didn\\u2019t dwell much on what happened
  • 10:34 \\u2013 5 years later, Chase wrote about his failure on his blog
    • 10:59 \\u2013 It\\u2019s more about having an impact on the world rather than just getting money
  • 11:25 \\u2013 Chase got into Instagram only a year and a half ago
    • 11:35 \\u2013 Chase was trying to preserve a legal position
  • 11:53 \\u2013 CreativeLive sells content that are created by the top experts in the world
    • 12:01 \\u2013 There\\u2019s a premium model where customers can see how things are done
    • 12:07 \\u2013 There are channels that can be watched for free
  • 12:33 \\u2013 CreativeLive has a total of 10M students, paid and free users
  • 13:12 \\u2013 CreativeLive has a high conversion rate relative to peers and commerce
    • 13:31 \\u2013 Average conversion rate is 1-2%
  • 13:39 \\u2013 CreativeLive is curated to creators by creators
    • 13:51 \\u2013 It is more community focused and is not a two-sided marketplace
  • 14:00 \\u2013 Competitors\\u2019 classes can be created by anyone which is very different from CreativeLive
  • 15:07 \\u2013 Chase has no desire to limit the creators in CreativeLive
  • 15:29 \\u2013 CreativeLive designs their contract and relationship with their creators
  • 15:50 \\u2013 Chase is confident in CreativeLive and the value it brings to people
  • 16:58 \\u2013 \\u201cWe make you look great\\u201d
  • 17:05 \\u2013 CreativeLive only makes the extraordinary
  • 17:24 \\u2013 The challenge that Masterclass is facing
  • 18:44 \\u2013 CreativeLive was bootstrapped for the first 2 years
  • 18:56 \\u2013 CreativeLive has raised $58.8 M in total
  • 19:30 \\u2013 Chase won\\u2019t sell CreativeLive for $200M, even if it\\u2019s from LinkedIn
  • 20:06 \\u2013 CreativeLive\\u2019s mission is for people to educate themselves and make a living
  • 20:26 \\u2013 Chase would only sell if the vision of the buyer aligned with them
  • 22:00 \\u2013 The Famous Five


3 Key Points:

  1. Don\\u2019t dwell on your past mistakes, use them as motivation to move on and create better.
  2. Contracts are made for a reason; study and check thoroughly before agreeing to one.
  3. Stay aligned with your mission and vision.


Resources Mentioned:

  • Simplero \\u2013 The easiest way to launch your own membership course like the big influencers do but at 1/10th the cost.
  • The Top Inbox \\u2013 The site Nathan uses to schedule emails to be sent later, set reminders in inbox, track opens, and follow-up with email sequences
  • GetLatka - Database of all B2B SaaS companies who have been on my show including their revenue, CAC, churn, ARPU and more
  • Klipfolio \\u2013 Track your business performance across all departments for FREE
  • Hotjar \\u2013 Nathan uses Hotjar to track what you\\u2019re doing on this site. He gets a video of each user visit like where they clicked and scrolled to make the site a better experience
  • Acuity Scheduling \\u2013 Nathan uses Acuity to schedule his podcast interviews and appointments
  • Host Gator\\u2013 The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for the cheapest price possible
  • Audible\\u2013 Nathan uses Audible when he\\u2019s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5-hour drive) to listen to audio books

Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives
