736: How Mobile Analytics Company Went $0 to $4 Million in 12 Months

Published: July 30, 2017, 9 a.m.


Sunil Thomas. He\\u2019s had a ton of experience working in tech companies and decided in 2013 to take the plunge himself and go all in with his 2 co-founders. They\\u2019ve since raised a total of $9.6 million \\u2013 $1.6 million seed and $8 million in series A. They launched revenue in 2016, broke $1.5 million in total sales and this May 2017, broke $400,000 in MRR out of about $5 million ARR. He wants to double that by the end of the year, amounting to $800,000. They have a team of 45 based between California, New York and India\\u2014again, making it easier for mobile applications to understand what the heck users are doing in their apps.

Famous Five:

  • Favorite Book? \\u2013 Play Bigger
  • What CEO do you follow? \\u2013 Satya Nadella of Microsoft
  • Favorite online tool? \\u2014 Slack
  • How many hours of sleep do you get?\\u2014 7-8 hours
  • If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? \\u2013 I wish I knew as much as my kids knew at 13, I had no clue what I was doing at 20


Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 00:44 \\u2013 Nathan introduces Sunil Thomas to the show
  • 01:32 \\u2013 Sunil Thomas is the co-founder and CEO of CleverTap
  • 01:46 \\u2013 CleverTap combines people-based analytics with user engagement, it can be used in your mobile app and website and you get to understand what they are doing
  • 02:23 \\u2013 It is like a combination of Mix Panel plus App Boy for mobile apps and websites
  • 03:17 \\u2013 The average customer pays them $2500 \\u2013 $3000 a month based on event data
  • 03:37 \\u2013 The top cohorts pay $10,000 to $20,000 a month
  • 04:21 \\u2013 CleverTap is one of the few companies that has both Accel and Sequoia as their funders and they have raised a total of $9.6 million dollars with a seed of $1.6 million and $8 million in series A
  • 05:18 \\u2013 CleverTap started in 2013 and has 3 co-founders\\u2014Suyin has had various work experiences in the tech industry
  • 05:56 \\u2013 CleverTap came about because of the need to engage users
  • 06:47 \\u2013 Nathan says there are only a limited number of apps a person engages with on a daily basis
    • 07:02 \\u2013 Sunil says their business is targeted on the companies and not the consumers
    • 07:28 \\u2013 There are more than 10,000 apps that go into the app stores every day
    • 07:53 \\u2013 The pricing starts at $1000 a month
  • 08:23 \\u2013 An average monthly active user does 15 to 20 events in your app
  • 08:54 \\u2013 They currently have 200 paying customers and 2000 apps that are sending them live data
  • 09:13 \\u2013 A plan of the company is to cover 10 million events a month for their free plan in 3 years
  • 09:31 \\u2013 The conversion rate is 30% for those who are using the free plan to a paid plan
  • 09:44 \\u2013 Nathan computes the revenue is at least $400,000 a month
  • 10:05 \\u2013 In terms of competition, there are three sets of apps: apps that get app data for sales, attribution provider apps and the one about user engagement and app analytics where CleverTap is
  • 11:19 \\u2013 Their growth churn is very low with everyone on the less than 1,000 plan who are still sticking around
  • 11:51 \\u2013 The company started to monetize just a year ago and has a 400,000 growth rate
  • 12:15 \\u2013 They have 45 people globally \\u2013 11 are in the US and 32 are in India with the core engineering team in India
  • 13:10 \\u2013 To acquire new customers, they have marketing qualified leads from websites and they hit bigger accounts on the outbound, focusing on direct sales rather than marketing and advertising
  • 14:41 \\u2013 The biggest expense is in the hosting
  • 15:18 \\u2013 It was hard during the early days, but it has now come to a point where they are benefitting
  • 15:55 \\u2013 In 2016, they broke $1.5 million in revenue and are targeting to get to $10 million by the end of the year
  • 17:04 \\u2013 The Famous Five


3 Key Points:

  1. Look for a need and fill the gap in today\\u2019s current technology.
  2. Know your target market well!
  3. You may start slowly at first, but it will pay off in the end.


Resources Mentioned:

  • The Top Inbox \\u2013 The site Nathan uses to schedule emails to be sent later, set reminders in inbox, track opens, and follow-up with email sequences
  • Klipfolio \\u2013 Track your business performance across all departments for FREE
  • Hotjar \\u2013 Nathan uses Hotjar to track what you\\u2019re doing on this site. He gets a video of each user visit like where they clicked and scrolled to make the site a better experience
  • Acuity Scheduling \\u2013 Nathan uses Acuity to schedule his podcast interviews and appointments
  • Host Gator\\u2013 The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for the cheapest price possible
  • Audible\\u2013 Nathan uses Audible when he\\u2019s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5-hour drive) to listen to audio books

Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives
