$70m Loaned in One Click Mortgage Lending Business with Jason van den Brand of Lenda.com EP 220

Published: April 2, 2016, 6:23 p.m.


Jason van den Brand, owner of Lenda, to the podcast. Lenda is a financial services company that lets people refinance their mortgages with greater ease. Listen as Jason shares his company\\u2019s astounding start and explains how Lenda is removing the financial middlemen to give their clients more value.


Famous 5
Favorite Book? \\u2013 Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business
What CEO do you follow?\\u2014 Elon Musk
What is your favorite online tool?\\u2014Slack
Do you get 8 hours of sleep?\\u2014 No
If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? \\u2014At the end of the day, it\\u2019s all about the network so don\\u2019t worry so much about your GPA. Go and meet more people.


Time Stamped Show Notes:
01:20 \\u2013 Nathan\\u2019s introduction
01:30 \\u2013 Nathan welcomes Jason van den Brand
02:20 \\u2013 Jason\\u2019s take on the Quicken Loans Controversy
03:34 \\u2013 About Lenda
03:45 \\u2013 If you go online today, your mortgage is going to end up looking like a big giant stack of paperwork
05:10 \\u2013 \\u201cWe are an automated underwriting process so we\\u2019re predicting what kind of documentation you\\u2019re going to need to qualify for the home loan.\\u201d
06:28 \\u2013 Loan servicers
07:04 \\u2013 Wells Fargo
07:34 \\u2013 Loans split up after they transmit it
09:27 \\u2013 We are moving toward servicing our own loans
10:28 \\u2013 Currently raised about $3.8M
11:02 \\u2013 Warehouse Line of Credit
11:20 \\u2013 We hold our loans for 6-7 days before they get sold off to the final investor who will actually service the loan
11:56 \\u2013 $25M pipeline
13:36 \\u2013 Almost $70M loans passed from October 2013 to January 2016
13:50 \\u2013 How much money Lenda made in 2015 and how did you do it? -$500,000 \\u2013 we make a margin on the loan amount
15:39 \\u2013 Because we\\u2019re building technology, we don\\u2019t have loan officers in our model
16:50 \\u2013 Continuously practice vertical integration
19:50 \\u2013 This business model is going to work because it eliminates middle men, and when you do that, you eliminate costs
21:05 \\u2013@vandenTweet


3 Key Points:
The mortgage industry as it exists today is a dinosaur.
When you use technology to replace middlemen or redundant people you cut costs dramatically\\u2014that savings can be passed back the consumer.
We can make this business model and completely remove all the middle men in the transaction
Resources Mentioned:
Lenda \\u2013 Jason\\u2019s company
Wells Fargo \\u2013 a loan servicer Jason mentioned
Warehouse Line of Credit \\u2013 the credit line Lenda is using
Host Gator - Powerful web hosting made easy and affordable.


Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives




The Top is FOR YOU if you are:


A STUDENT who wants to become the CEO of a $10m company in under 24 months (episode #4)


STUCK in the CORPORATE grind and looking to create a $10k/mo side business so you can quit (episode #7)


An influencer or BLOGGER who wants to make $27k/mo in monthly RECURRING revenue to have the life you want and full CONTROL (episode #1)


The Software as a Service (SaaS) entrepreneur who wants to grow to a $100m+ valuation (episode #14).


Your host, Nathan Latka is a 25 year old software entrepreneur who has driven over $4.5 million in revenue and built a 25 person team as he dropped out of school, raised $2.5million from a Forbes Billionaire, and attracted over 10,000 paying customers from 160+ different countries.




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