654: $100k at Age 19, Now $1.2 Million From 16 Best Selling Books and New Smart Business App, Brin with CEO Dale Beaumont

Published: May 9, 2017, 9 a.m.

Dale Beaumont. He\u2019s an award winning technology entrepreneur, international speaker and author of 16 best-selling books. He started his first business at age 19 and has been building companies ever since. One of those companies is now a multi-million dollar enterprise which enabled Dale to become an investor, philanthropist, and has given him the opportunity to set foot in over 70 countries.

Famous Five:

  • Favorite Book? \u2013 The Seven-Day Weekend
  • What CEO do you follow? \u2013 Mark Zuckerberg
  • Favorite online tool? \u2014 Voxer
  • How many hours of sleep do you get?\u2014 7
  • If you could let your 20-year old self, know one thing, what would it be? \u2013 Dale would tell himself to really have fun and just enjoy the journey


Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 01:18 \u2013 Nathan introduces Dale to the show
  • 02:00 \u2013 Dale\u2019s first book was published in 2001
    • 02:23 \u2013 Dale published a total of 16 books and sold 250K copies
    • 02:26 \u2013 All of the books that Dale published were on best-seller list in Australia
    • 02:42 \u2013 A best-seller book in Australia sells 5K copies on physical bookshelves
  • 02:57 \u2013 Dale was 19 when he started his first company
    • 03:05 \u2013 One of Dale\u2019s challenges was being so young in business
    • 03:27 \u2013 Dale thought that needed to create credibility and the one way to do that was to publish a book
    • 03:45 \u2013 Dale\u2019s first book was The World at Your Feet which is a personal development book for teenagers
    • 03:50 \u2013 When Dale wrote a press release, it got him on national TV, newspapers and magazines
  • 04:23 \u2013 Dale\u2019s first company\u2019s revenue went up after they released his book
    • 04:59 \u2013 The book became their launch pad
  • 05:16 \u2013 Dale\u2019s first company\u2019s revenue increased to $500K
  • 05:28 \u2013 Dale published a series called Secrets Exposed, which has 15 books\u2014he wrote the series in two and half years
    • 05:43 \u2013 The books are interviews conducted by Dale
    • 06:16 \u2013 All of the books are self-published
    • 06:39 \u2013 Dale worked on the series from 2007 to 2009
    • 06:49 \u2013 Publishing this series is one of Dale\u2019s most successful ventures
  • 07:10 \u2013 In self-publishing, the cost per book goes down when you have 5K copies
    • 07:31 \u2013 Dale had a pre-sell for his books
    • 07:48 \u2013 Dale also had partnerships with companies, associations and organizations and they pre-purchased his books
  • 08:28 \u2013 There was no requirement for the interviewee to purchase a copy of the book
    • 08:38 \u2013 When Dale was about to print the copies, he sent messages to people offering a discounted price for bulk orders
    • 08:58 \u2013 After 4 books of his series came out, more people approached Dale to be interviewed, so Dale had to set requirements
    • 09:08 \u2013 Dale was able to fill out the next 11 books by making people commit to buying 1K copies
    • 09:40 \u2013 Brad Sugars is an example of someone who approached Dale
  • 10:21 \u2013 Dale started a company called Business Blueprint
    • 11:04 \u2013 The company teaches small business owners across Australia and New Zealand how to use technology to improve their business
    • 11:11 \u2013 The company started from the ground up and has continued to grow for 7 years now
    • 11:16 \u2013 It is doing more than $5M in revenue
    • 11:26 \u2013 The company does live events, webinars and membership sites
  • 12:05 \u2013 Dale\u2019s goal is to provide business education and support
    • 12:30 \u2013 Less than 1% of businesses have a business coach or advisor
    • 12:33 \u2013 Dale thought that it would be cool to create a product that would give everyone a chance to have a business advisor
    • 12:46 \u2013 Dale started to build the world\u2019s first AI business advisor and his name is BRiN
    • 12:54 \u2013 \u201cBRiN is like the Siri for business\u201d
    • 12:56 \u2013 BriN is a smartphone app and is currently on free download in iOs and Android
  • 13:50 \u2013 Dale shares the benefit of using BRiN rather than searching your business questions through Google
  • 14:21 \u2013 BRiN has had 21K downloads in the past 6 months with 4K weekly users
  • 15:00 \u2013 BRiN, overall, has had 164K user sessions
  • 16:10 \u2013 Dale self-funded BRiN from the funds he got from his previous company
    • 16:20 \u2013 Dale has also been approached by different companies who are trying to talk to small business owners
    • 16:39 \u2013 BRiN now offers partnership packages
  • 18:52 \u2013 The Famous Five


3 Key Points:

  1. One way to \u201cmanufacture\u201d credibility is by publishing your own book.
  2. It is good to know that you\u2019re on the right path in business \u2013 and business advisors can help guide you on that path.
  3. Work hard, live your life, but make sure you are ENJOYING the journey.


Resources Mentioned:

  • The Top Inbox \u2013 The site Nathan uses to schedule emails to be sent later, set reminders in inbox, track opens, and follow-up with email sequences
  • Organifi \u2013 The juice was Nathan\u2019s life saver during his trip in Southeast Asia
  • Klipfolio \u2013 Track your business performance across all departments for FREE
  • Acuity Scheduling \u2013 Nathan uses Acuity to schedule his podcast interviews and appointments
  • Host Gator\u2013 The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for the cheapest price possible
  • Audible\u2013 Nathan uses Audible when he\u2019s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5-hour drive) to listen to audio books
  • Freshbooks \u2013 Nathan doesn\u2019t waste time so he uses Freshbooks to send out invoices and collect his money. Get your free month NOW

Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives