1433 Can You Run 2 $1.5m ARR Companies At Same Time?

Published: June 27, 2019, 7 a.m.


Michael Kamleitner is the CEO of Walls.io (https://walls.io/)

\\U0001f552 Time Stamped Show Notes:

00:00 \\u2013 Nathan\'s introduction to today\'s show

0:40 \\u2013 How he runs two companies of roughly the same size

1:00 \\u2013 Why they\'ve built Walls.io as a social media marketing tool

1:45 \\u2013 How the average customer pays around $225 today

2:20 \\u2013 Why they launched the company in 2014 and bootstrapped thus far

2:40 \\u2013 How 500 customers are using their product today

3:50 \\u2013 Why they are doing around $110k in MRR

4:05 \\u2013 How they\'ve grown 70% from around $70k in MRR twelve months ago

4:45 \\u2013 Why churn is naturally high

6:55 \\u2013 How he made the decision to run two companies in parallel

8:55 \\u2013 Why their other product is an enterprise social media scheduling tool

9:15 \\u2013 "Would you sell for $3M today?"

9:45 \\u2013 How he is interested in spliting the company and raising capital

10:25 \\u2013 Why they are having success in content marketing and paid advertising

11:45 \\u2013 How they are paying around 100 euros to land a new customer

12:20 \\u2013 Why they aren\'t spending more money on paid acquisition

12:55 \\u2013 How their team is headquartered in Vienna

13:30 \\u2013 The Famous Five
