1429 Enterprise Collect Customer Data With This $11m ARR Tool

Published: June 23, 2019, 7 a.m.


Richard Jones is the CEO of The Wayin Platform (https://www.wayin.com/)

\\U0001f552 Time Stamped Show Notes:

00:00 \\u2013 Nathan\'s introduction to today\'s show

0:25 \\u2013 How Wayin helps 150+ enterprise customers create interactice experiences

1:20 \\u2013 Why they collect explicitly shared data

2:40 \\u2013 How they provide many different mechanisms for engagement

5:25 \\u2013 Why they don\'t own or share the data they collect

5:45 \\u2013 How the average customer pays them $65k annually

7:10 \\u2013 Why they are doing $10M+ in ARR right now

7:30 \\u2013 How he launched the company in 2011

8:20 \\u2013 Why he still has meaningful equity after merging and becoming CEO

8:55 \\u2013 How they\'ve grown to 72 full-time employees internationally and in the U.S.

9:25 \\u2013 Why they are growing 62% year over year

9:50 \\u2013 How their growth is coming from both new customers and expansion

10:30 \\u2013 Why they are driving 125% net revenue retention annually

12:45 \\u2013 How they are spending 2% of their revenue on marketing
