1395 Kahuna Helps Marketplaces Keep Buyers and Sellers Engaged, Way more than $3m in ARR

Published: May 20, 2019, 7 a.m.


00:30 \\u2013 How Kahuna focuses on customer engagement

03:05 \\u2013 Why they price based on volume and usage

03:50 \\u2013 How he made the decision to join Kahuna after they approached him

04:50 \\u2013 Why both of Kahuna's founders are still involved in the company

05:10 \\u2013 Their team of 40 full-time employees is based in Redwood City

05:40 \\u2013 Why they've scaled to serve 100 total customers internationally

06:40 \\u2013 How they have more than doubled revenue year over year

07:00 \\u2013 Why they've raised close to $50M in outside capital

07:40 \\u2013 How they are managing churn across

08:30 \\u2013 Why Kahuna's net revenue retention is well north of 100%

10:30 \\u2013 How they aim for payback on customer acquisition within 12 months

12:00 \\u2013 Why computing power is their main expense

13:00 \\u2013 How their margins are still well within the average SaaS range

13:30 \\u2013 Why they did an inside round in Q4 2017 and not looking to raise at present

14:00 \\u2013 How they are still burning cash today

14:15 \\u2013 Why they are north of $3M in ARR and targeting 100% growth YoY again this year

15:15 \\u2013 The Famous Five
