The Book of Positive Light (Audio Book Trailer)

Published: Dec. 10, 2016, 11:33 p.m.

The Book of Positive Light: Remembrance of the Heart by Joel Ayala Ayapana (Audio Book Trailer)
This inspiring memoir... written in the celebration of triumph for the seemingly relevant and evolving years of revelation, acquired between 2009 to 2013, was essentially built along the framework of a 363-day journal of channeled wisdom, written by Joel Ayala Ayapana. During the Autumn Equinox of 2012 on the spirited path of interconnecting hills, dips, and climbs to the road leading to the long-anticipated pilgrimmage trip and of an "internal calling" to Macchu Pichu, Peru was one - deemed a journey filled with Self-Serving Truths and Ancient-Premordial Mystery.

This beautifully arranged book of inspiring imagery and symbolism is also an artistically crafted work of Short Stories, Traditional American Poetry, Nonet's, Haiku, Prayers, Mantra's, and of a collaborative collection of Creative Short-Story Writing. It was written in tandem along with the profound nature of the many messages that was gifted to him after every single intention, act, or behavior of higher worth, through meditation, prayer, the remembrance of exulted memories and after every individualized triumph, the acknowledgement of ultimate beauty realized from within, the acquirement of heightened vibration through intuition, and of the utilization of tools picked up along the path to the recognition of an elevated sense of Positive Light - was retrieved through the many portal ways of knowing - as his Consciousness had journeyed into and out of his Sacred Heart.

The Book of Positive Light... chronicles his amazing journey of Synchronicity, Alchemy, and Manifestation... as he is Divinely led by Spirit to the ultimate meaning of his life, the upholding of the Sacred Flame of Christ Consciousness. Along this wondrous and amazing trek, once he had grown increasingly aware to this so-called "Calling" that had been presented before him from the relentless barrage of "1111" energies that often came through as synchronistic events - whilst prompting him simultaneously through repetitious and sequential numbers, he is greeted along the path with other heavenly-felt messages of what has been known to be true in symbolism through Sacred Geometry. Historically, these energies of heightened vibration have also been told through the other forms of communication in one one way, shape, fashion or form by the many invariable Holy Texts - known to be true and long to being believed as "Holy" and "Sacred" throughout the Conscious World - The 24 Elders. And this message was dearly received as "three" profoundly-prounounced dreams.

In the process... of this spiritually-enhanced metamorphical change, whilst receiving with opened arms the invitation by The Divine and Holy Masters, to assuming a designated place as an Initiate to The Mystery Schools of Pythagorus, Joel begins to acknowledge the blueprint (his blueprint) or shall we say, this Divine Template, within the illusion of the Matrix - Our Hollographic World as we know for it to be subconsciously. When the day had finally arrived when this Searcher of Truths had finally been encouraged with enough Motivation and of "Inspirational Strength" to follow his HEART, Joel then finds himself at the very foot of that same and ancient sacred space, from amidst where the subliminal and subconscious in stature was received in the form of messages in dream-like fashion. From what Wonder and Magic was required the specified decoding of such said TRUTHS from within that "Message within the Mound" - retrieved from the sequential revelations of these rather seemingly misplaced but truth-revealing dreams - Joel knew from within himself that he had to journey to "The Great Serpent Mound of Adams County, Ohio" to receive this initiatory Blessing of what was unveiled to him by his Heart. From that very moment from what had been relegated to him in revelry at that ancient and most sacred of sites of that same year, begins the newest and most adventurous chapter of his life in, not only acknowledging "The Secrets of Creation" and of "Manifestation" but lies from within the actual "living" of this TRUTH - in the actual upholding of this philosophical construct of a participatory state of nowing... into practice.

The messages... that had been expressed from the words drawn from his Heart (This Book) - Now - had become the instrument to the actual promulgation of Universal CREATION to all that had been engraved from within the inner makings of his heart. Within time, this Soul of an Inspiration began to make manifest the bulk of his dreams from the utilization of "This Book" as a template of sorts... for all the others (of whom have been Called) to witness as a Truth or a blueprint that can be duplicated in strength... if only the reader should so be courageous enough to follow such a Path of Enligthtenment. In the unanticipated "Conclusion" of this book, he is given an additional message of validation to the grand purpose of his own life, as he and his wife (Tiffany) had witnessed before their very own eyes - a Miracle - elaborately inscribed within the brightened blue Mayan Skies of the Yucatan during their Honeymoon Excursion in Mexico 2013. This, in itself, had revealed to the Author, a TRUTH that was clearly inscribed within the Sacred Geometry of his own spiritual Blueprint - The Sacred Divine Triangle. And from within this very ancient and devout knowledge, derived from the Mystery Schools of Lemuria, comes the extra needed answer that his Heart additionally needed that would further illuminate the pathway to "reigniting" the very Flame of Christ Consciousness within the wick of every candle possessed by the Love and Light of all of Humanity.

Joel Ayala Ayapana... is not only... an Author and a writer for many magazines, such as Northcoast Voice Magazine and The Wonderlancer, but he is also a Leader of his newly rediscovered Ministry, The Flower of Life Ministries. Additionally he is a marathon runner, a motivational speaker, a Reiki Therapist, a Kundalini Yoga enthusiast, Healer, an Awakener of Hearts, former host of the critically-acclaimed Quantum Mindfulness Radio on the BBS Radio Network.

Joel Ayala Ayapana is the the Executive Producer & Founder of Real Revolution Radio 2.0, the host of his critically-acclaimed podcast, Quantum Mindfulness Radio, and the current host of his NEW online radio talk show - AWAKENING PARADIGMS - which will be making its debut broadcast on The highly-anticipated global launch of this inspiring radio podcast network made its grande debut appearance in the Fall of 2016, December 4th, 2016.