Advanced Archeology Review (Commercial)

Published: July 9, 2016, 11:27 a.m.

Advanced Archeology Review

Produced by:
Joel Ayala Ayapana, Executive Producer & Founder of

Hosted by:
Bruce Cunningham & Katrina Hutchins

Show Description:
"Archaeology is a science because there are scientific procedures that must be followed. It is not a treasure hunt where digging is conducted in a haphazard manner. Rather, it gradually uncovers meaning where digging takes place layer-by-layer where one's patience, stamina, and all thy passions are literally put to the test. However, it is not enough to just uncover something, it must also be studied and explained responsibly to legitimately explain a better understanding of, not only man's past, but in what is yet to come. Archaeology encourages that it can be science or art in its most simplistic of forms when holistically experienced—however proponents be maintain that it is both—which is primarily concerned with the material remains of humanity's past - left for the seeker to discover such hidden revelations. Furthermore and with deeper analysis, there are two aspects to the archeologist’s concern... as far an Advanced sense of Archeology is concerned: The first of these is the discovery and reclamation of ancient remains; this usually involves field excavation or at least surface collecting and recollecting. The second concern lies within the UNCOVERING OF TRUTH from amidst a world of disinformation and propaganda."

Talk Show Host Biography:
Bruce Cunningham is indeed that seeker and with regards along that very journey... within the many revelations of which will uncover itself to be true... a sense of rediscovery will tend to reveal itself as so. Such a rediscovery will not only be of one which will, one day, ultimately explain our hidden past... but rather (on a darker note) will uncover a different hidden truth of which will reveal the Architects of Deception: by the Powers-That-May-Be.