Endurance, Chapter 13: If the Spirits Move You

Published: Aug. 31, 2021, 4 a.m.

As the body of Dzaan smolders following the public execution, the party gets their grub on at Banrock's Mithral Pot and run into an old friend and make a new one. One that is in contact with the spirits. The picture starts to come into focus as our adventure continues...

DM - Rob Kristoffersen
Mirabella Whitemoon - Jennifer Taylor
Ahme - Desdymona Howard
Bosera Splitfish - Kris Rusho
Hefrumlir Warbraids - Paul (The TechnoFunkBoy)
Dave Sizzlepan - Brian Hastie

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @Rolling_Realms

Music and Sound by Syrinscape. https://store.syrinscape.com/what-is-syrinscape/?att 25
‘Epic games need Epic game sound’