Cupping Coffee (RR12)

Published: March 7, 2018, 5 a.m.

Just like wine makers and sommeliers have a standard approach to tasting wine, there is a standard approach to tasting coffee in the industry. This process is called cupping.

Cupping is performed at several points in the production of coffee. Coffee buyers and importers cup coffee to detect imperfections. Coffee roasters cup coffee to determine the roast level that best brings out a particular coffee's amazing flavors. Baristas, roasters, and coffee shop owners cup coffee to describe the flavor profile of different coffees.

But coffee cupping doesn't have to be just for coffee professionals. This process is easy to do a home. Cupping is also a fun, social activity that you can do with your friends. In this episode I will outline the supplies and steps that you can use to cup coffee at home. This is a great way to explore different coffees and expand your palate.