Episode #63 - From Ex To Best Friends?

Published: April 12, 2017, 3:44 a.m.

On this Episode of @RiseUpWorldwide, the topic of the night was "Can you be friends with your Ex, while in a new relationship or married?" We started off the show by talking about a recently passed bill the offers free college tuition for residents in the state of New York. Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to make a requirement to show proof of Acceptance into a college or trade school in order to receive your high school diploma. We then dived right in to our main topic about being friends with your Ex, which went left as @GDott stated he could never re-marry if he ever got divorced! Part I of Joe's "Invest in yourself" tip was "Personal Power". Part II is "Business prosperity." Part III is titled "financial wealth." The fourth and final "key" to Joe's four part series is called Tax Fortress. GDott's "Diversity University" focused social media's role in making stories going viral like the United Airlines debacle. @DrTeColston "Late Night Latte" focused on April being Stress Awareness Month. Playlist Tree Tops - nobigdyl Elevators - Aha Gazelle Fighters - Canon Count It - Jor'dan Armstrong All About You - Joe B.O.S.S. ft T.J. DaPrayingMan Catch You If I Can - TJ Pompeo I Love This / Cajo U-Turn - Canton Jones, Tonio Real Live Forever - Thi'sl, Ricky Rock Jumped Out The Whip - Tedashii Clouds - Trip Lee Stranger Things - CASS